BLISSFIELD: 517-486-3575 MILAN: 734-681-3875


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Don Janiszewski


In 2009, Don Janiszewski purchased BHP from the Sweeneys. Don has worked hard to set an example for their employees to maintain the same high standards as was true under previous ownership.

Let’s Make Your Day Better!

BHP makes your great day even better with lightning-speed service, high quality products, and technicians who answer your questions thoroughly.

Est. 1978 in Lenawee County

In 1978, Merlin Parker and his daughter, Linda, started Blissfield Heating & Plumbing in Blissfield, Michigan.

In 2009, Don Janiszewski purchased BHP from the Sweeneys. As stated in his interview with the Daily Telegram, “…customers can expect him and his employees to maintain the same high standards as was true under the previous owners.

In 2020, Don opened a second location in Milan, Michigan.  By expanding their operation, BHP is better equipped to serve customers outside of Lenawee County!